Monday, August 10, 2009


I have mostly watched youtube videos sent to me vs. searched them mostly because it is blocked at school and by the time i'm home i have other things to do. I haven't seen much from teacher tube except in a few cases for in service. I have used united streaming a lot so maybe now i need to mix it up a bit.
I didn't search a lot due to time constraints but what i did find gives me an idea of what is out there and how i can use it. I think lookng for historical events on teacher tube is a great way to introduce a topic or book we are going to discuss that day in the library. I chose the Alamo and found actually a nice pictoral history of the battle with a nice song in the background. I t sould lead to a good discussion at beginning of a lesson or as an ending thought after reading something that involved the alamo. From youtube i searche library 2.0 and found an instructional video on picasa. I like finding these little instructional videos because they make it simple for me
I still can't figure out how to comment but I looked at my friends postings and I love both the ones they much i may "borrow' them. One of my friends chose a parody on library "Library of Tomorrow" and it got me thinking...i wonder if that is how Alamo Draft House gets all their parody clips from the "past" to go along with their movie themes...hmmmm???



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