Thursday, August 6, 2009


There was alot of information in this thing. ALmost too much. Since this is all new to me I wasn't really sure what to do in all the different resources. My biggest obstacle seems to be how to search (what tag to use) to get best results. I started with library but it was too broad, so then I tried elementary library and it narrowed down a bit, but i'm still not sure if it works the best for me. Reading the Cool Cat teacher online helped a little to know what to focus on to be successful, but it is going to take a lot of playing for me to feel I'm finding useful things. Google and Bloglines searches were simple but again it all comes down to tags to make it work well for you. Edublogs helped me see good examples since they were award winners and nominees. I found a very cool wiki- salute to seuss - that i would really like to investigate and try to use in some form. Suprglue seems like it would be usefu to me since it is school librarian blogs but i still couldn't find a lot that related to what i would wnat to talk about. Topix was super easy and loved that it had my hometown info and current things. It was easy to read, search, and so forth. was way too much - very complicated and overwhelming. Technorati gave me a good ideas of tags to use for searching and made me think of another one i might be interested in - travel. Atomic Learning seemed like it would be great because the focus on 21st century skills but i couldn't get anything to load so i didn't get to experience much of it. I feel this thing was the most overwhelming so far...just because of the amount of information. But I shall continue on...

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